Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Copyrights- Make Sound

these guys are pretty big but they're from downstate Illinois and play simple but awesome pop punk. catchiest shit ever. ENJOY!

Make Sound



Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Carrier- No Love Can Save Me

holy shit these guys are so good. comin' out of boston they're gettin' pretty big now but this is there best thing. EP with a couple songs. good stuff! check em out on their summer tour. HERE

No Love Can Save Me


GO shitheads!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

People Under The Stairs- The Next Step

cool rap duo from L.A. I guess you could consider them underground but whatever hahahaha. pretty fuckin' sweet. CHECK IT OUT

The Next Step



Monday, May 24, 2010

Polar Bear Club- The Redder, The Better

pretty popular since they signed to B9 but yeah still awesome. Like indie/hardcore stuff. This is their EP, it's their best release in my opinion. ENJOI THIS PLEEEEEEEEEEEEZ

The Redder, The Better



Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pilot Around The Stars- EP

really good pop punk from cincinnati. so goddamn catchy, check it! here's their EP




Wednesday, May 19, 2010

With The Punches- Keep It Going

uhh these guys are cool as shit. moshy pop punk shit! check em out. gettin' my computer back soon.

Keep It Going


roll with tha punches

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Suis La Lune- Quiet, Pull The Strings!

my favorite screamo. lyrics are amazing. here's their 06' LP, I think it's their best. LISTEN MOTHERFUCKERS, their from Sweden

Quiet, Pull The Strings!



Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fight Fair- Settle The Score

yeah I've been posting a lot of pop punk lately but whatever. These guys are really poppy and moshy and shit but really good. One of the dudes in the band, can't remember which is really obessed with screamo and you can sort of see it in some of their songs. cool stuff. Support this SHIT! this is their EP

Settle The Score


Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Movielife- Has A Gambling Problem

Pretty popular stuff but these guys are just awesome. Long Island pop punk/emo type stuff holy shit. Been broken up since '04 but so damn catchy. Here's an EP from 01' they got a shitload of other stuff so check it all! good place to start though

Has A Gambling Problem



Sunday, May 9, 2010

Iron Rain- Silent Sins

Hardcore from Chicago. these guys got good stuff lookin' ahead of them so give it a listen and enjoy! Sorry about the non-mediafire link, it's fine though. I just cant upload it cause my computer's broken. Have fUn!

Silent Sins


Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Wonder Years- The Upsides

This can be found everywhere but whatever! really good and all I've been listenin' to lately. Fuckin' awesome lyrics and great music, amazing pop punk. CHECK this OUT. Guys are worth the listen.

The Upsides


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Parrhesia- Demo

Good screamo from Chicago. I'd say sounds alot like Orchid, very chaotic. This is their demo but they got a solid 7" out now on Ice Age Records. Be sure to support these dudes!



Monday, May 3, 2010

My Heart To Joy- Seasons In Verse

I found this stuff today. kind of math rock/ emo stuff from Connecticut! Really laid back stuff. Sounds alot like Algernon so fans of that check it out! Check it out and show them some loooove.

Seasons In Verse


Check em!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Transit- This Will Not Define Us

Double post today cause my computer broke. Part of my pop punk binge. Pretty big band but whatever. From Boston, signed on Run For Cover Records. CHECK EM. This is their 08' LP. have fun

This Will Not Define Us



Such Gold- Stand Tall EP

Sorry another broken computer.. Anyway, Fuckin' good pop punk from northern New York. Really good shit. They have their demo and this 09' EP so check it. SUPPORT THIS BAND. really good

Stand Tall
